Medium Sitting and Crawling Ganesh Figurine Statues Made of Brass From Thailand, 2 to 3 Inches

Product Details
Many styles of Brass Ganesha Figurine Statues between 2 to 3 inches tall, in various poses. These statues are made in Thailand from brass and either have a gold-colored brass finish, or a silver-colored nickel finish, which prevents rusting and helps keep them looking bright and appealing over the years.
Ganesha (also known as Ganapati, The God of Doors), is venerated as the God of Good Luck (technically, good beginnings or opening doors of opportunity).
Ganesha With Flame Halo: This pose reflects Ganesha's lineage from his father, Lord Shiva. You will notice that Ganesha is wrapped by a Cobra (commonly associated with Lord Shiva) and the flame halo represents universal energy that sustains the cosmos.
Reclining Ganesha: Hindu deities are often depicted at rest and this particular reclining pose might reflect when Lord Ganesha inscribed the Mahabharata, as Ganehsa holds a broken tusk in the right hand, used for inscribing the poem when it was first recited by Vyāsa.